Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.

Moshe Feldenkrais

last updated

Nov 2022

About me

Sally Fincher

I have had a long-standing interest in daily life. I don’t greatly care for sport; I’m not so much interested in musing on politics or debating grand theories - but I am fascinated by the details of ordinary life - and in making the everyday more satisfying.

In my academic life (I was a University Professor) a key part of my research was looking at how people talked about what they did, at how people found out “what worked”, and how they changed what they did to incorporate new understanding into their own practice. Retiring early, I took the opportunity to train in the Feldenkrais Method, named for its originator Moshe Feldenkrais (rhymes with “rice”).

With its emphasis on the individual, on individuals’ learning, and on the interrelationship of thinking, sensing and feeling, the Method was a natural fit for my interests: and when you discover something that's truly magical as well as practical, it’s impossible not to want to share that with others.

To qualify to teach the Feldenkrais Method takes 800 hours, over 4 years, and covers both theoretical and practical material. I trained with Garet Newell, in Sussex, who herself trained in the last course that Moshe taught.