Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.

Moshe Feldenkrais

last updated

Oct 2024

Feldenkrais Method

in Canterbury


I offer FI sessions on Monday and Tuesday morrnings at 10.00 and 11.30, and other times by appointment.

What is the Feldenkrais Method?

The Feldenkrais Method uniquely uses exploratory, non-habitual movements to help you develop bodily awareness, increase choices, and find greater ease.

In Moshe’s memorable phrase it

“Makes the impossible, possible; the possible, easy; and the easy, elegant”

Awareness Through Movement

A Feldenkrais group class is called an Awareness Through Movement (or ATM) class. In it, students are verbally guided through a sequence of movements.

What to expect: a non-competitive, nonaerobic movement class (you will not sweat) structured to progressively explore movement options.

Functional Integration

A one-to-one private session is called a Functional Integration (or FI) lesson. In this, the teacher guides a student through a range of movements using non-invasive touch.

What to expect a hands-on lesson tailored to your individual needs. You may lie on a low bench, you will remain fully clothed throughout. An FI lesson usually lasts around an hour.

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